Why this CBD coffee is great news

Best CBD Coffee
  • Read about the very latest research into coffee drinking
  • Could this daily drink be an answer to common health issues?
  • Find out why you should be changing a daily habit – click here for details

“Drinking coffee is good for the heart, a new scientific study suggests.”

So began the first sentence in an article in The Sun last week.

I must admit that I thought that this was old news.

Based upon everything I had been reading for the last two years I thought there was no doubt that fresh coffee was good for you.

Last year my own research took this a stage further resulting in a newsletter about how you can find the healthiest of coffees – see here.

But I am always happy to see coffee recognised as a health tonic in the mainstream press.

The article reported that a team from McMaster University in Canada have extended previous studies and found out more reasons why a daily coffee habit is no bad thing… in moderation of course.

I didn’t think much more about the topic, just filed the details in my vast repository of information… OK it’s in the pile of stuff on my desk!

Then yesterday another new study(1) was published covering nearly ½ million subjects and reaching a conclusion that drinking up to three cups of coffee each day increases life expectancy.

Plus they even said that if you drank more than three cups there was no evidence of negative cardiovascular impacts… but the positive health benefits were reduced.

So, even on a bad coffee day I might not be doing myself much good, but I certainly won’t be doing any harm either.

All good news in my book.

But for coffee lovers like me I have even more good news..

New stock, even better price

We have just taken delivery of a new stock of the CBD infused coffee that has proven to be very popular with Good Life Letter readers.

Last month we helped the supplier to find a home for some short dated stock rather than send it to landfill.

They were so impressed with the feedback that they had from readers, that they have given us a special price to thank you all.

This means that you get a really high quality pure Colombian Arabica coffee which is very low in damaging acrylamide, plus a full spectrum CBD extract blended into it.

The health benefits include;

  • Better sleep
  • Lowered anxiety
  • Pain relief
  • Reduction in inflammation associated with a range of conditions
  • Improvement in recovery after illness or surgery.

You can find out more about why this CBD coffee should be your daily habit here.

I can’t recommend it highly enough, and my inbox shows that you agree with me;

“I’m a chef, and a very busy one at that. This coffee really helps me wind down at the end of a day, fantastic taste too!” M.S. Maidenhead

“One of the most effective ways to help my arthritic aches.” K.L. Swansea

“I just love this coffee, the fact that it is healthy is a bonus.” S.B. Tewkesbury

Find out what it can do for you – click here.

Further reasons to think about coffee

As regular readers will be aware I am always looking for ways to help my Dad deal with the effects of Alzheimer’s.

COVID lockdowns were particularly hard on him and Mum, because we were not able to get to see them as much as we wanted.

His mood became low and he began to suffer from anxiety for the first time in his life.

The CBD infused coffee made a huge difference to this for him, and I was also able to cite pretty impressive research that it would benefit his neurological issues too.

One study from last year carried out in Poland(2) concluded that the neuro-protective effects of caffeine was massively under reported, and many other compounds found in naturally produced coffee also had significant beneficial effects.

This is great news for anyone wanting to decrease their risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and even Ischemic Strokes, but also for helping those who already suffer.

Another peer reviewed article(3) made a link between the beneficial effects that coffee has on gut function due to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects which in turn has a positive impact on the gut-brain link.

This is an area of science which is poorly understood and there is much research being carried out, but it is clear that the brain is heavily influenced by the gut, and vice-versa.

It can help explain why coffee has beneficial effects on anxiety and stress, as well as helping protect the function of the neural connections.

All of this from a simple, enjoyable and warming cup of freshly brewed coffee.

I know that there are those who prefer tea, and I certainly wouldn’t have any issue with that.

But for coffee lovers I can’t recommend this highly enough – click here for more details.


  1. Simon, J., Fung, K., Raisi-Estabragh, Z., Aung, N., Khanji, M. Y., Kolossváry, M., … & Maurovich-Horvat, P. (2022). Light to moderate coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of death: a UK Biobank study. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
  2. Socała, K., Szopa, A., Serefko, A., Poleszak, E., & Wlaź, P. (2021). Neuroprotective effects of coffee bioactive compounds: a review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(1), 107.
  3. Iriondo-DeHond, A., Uranga, J. A., Del Castillo, M. D., & Abalo, R. (2021). Effects of coffee and its components on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain–gut axis. Nutrients, 13(1), 88.